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Wizikey’s Media Database

Find and connect with relevant reporters who cover your industry

Media database software to manage your media contacts. Access the world's most comprehensive contact database and collaborate with reporters located anywhere in the world.

Wizikey’s Media Database

No more hassles of maintaining manual excel sheets of media contacts database! Wizikey's media database lets you create targeted audiences for your message, and save your time in finding the right media contacts for your brand story, enabling you to create impactful PR campaigns.

Trusted by the world’s fastest growing brands
bajaj capital
physics wallah
bajaj capital
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“Witnessed 200% increase in media relations across APAC with Wizikey”

Paige Musto
Paige Musto

VP of Corporate Marketing at UserTesting

Refine Research

Our media database comes with advanced filters, allowing you to find the right reporters. You can refine your search by publication, industry, reporters’ name, etc.

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You can also exclude reporters fighting medical emergencies

Wizikey’s Media Database

Accurate and up-to-date

Our media database is powered by both AI and in-house media experts to ensure quality and accuracy. Media contacts in Wizkey's database are sourced from multiple sources and verifications which help you find the relevant people. Our profiles are more accurate and relevant.

A regularly updated media contact database helps ensure that your emails are being delivered to the right people. This, in turn, keeps your email bounce rate low.

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Wizikey’s Media Database

Personalized Approach

Our contact database software will help you access the history of the reporters, their interests, and social media profiles. This helps you to create a personalized media pitch.

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Wizikey’s Media Database


Reach out to reporters across the world with one platform

Track your PR campaigns with Wizikey analytical insights into
campaign and media pitch reports

Access our media contact database to track, manage, and pitch your PR campaigns with Wizikey analytical insights into campaign and media pitch reports.

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Wizikey’s Media Database

Reachout reporters instantly


One platform for all your PR work

Media Outreach

Media Outreach

  • Design the perfect press releases with our templates, create a list of relevant reporters, and contact them with the confidence of low spam or bounce rates.

Media Monitoring

Media Monitoring

  • Identify and track your key company mentions across the media vis-à-vis your competition and create positive brand impact with powerful PR campaigns.

PR Measurement

PR Measurement

  • Go beyond quantity and measure the quality of your media coverage by analyzing sentiment, news headlines, and keyword association using Wizikey.

Don’t take our word and see it for yourselves!

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Wizikey saves time by bringing relevant brand mentions from news, blogs, podcasts and other mediums in one place. It provides insights to build better awareness. It is built by communications' professionals who struggled with excel sheets, clunky software and decided to solve it themselves.

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