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December 24, 2019

The Ultimate PR Calendar 2020 for India

This PR calendar will tell you about all important dates, themes and opportunities in 2020 for PR (Public Relations). Failing to plan is planning to fail and especially so in the fast-changing world of Public Relations. And that is why having a PR calendar that helps you plan, schedule and execute your PR activities is […]

The Ultimate PR Calendar 2020 for India

This PR calendar will tell you about all important dates, themes and opportunities in 2020 for PR (Public Relations).

Failing to plan is planning to fail and especially so in the fast-changing world of Public Relations. And that is why having a PR calendar that helps you plan, schedule and execute your PR activities is critical to the success of your PR strategy.

We, at Wizikey have created the most comprehensive 3000+ words detailed Public Relations calendar every PR professionals can use to quickly schedule their brand’s/clients’ annual plan in 2020, especially for India.

This blog will cover the following topics:

1. Why a PR calendar is a MUST HAVE for every brand/client

2. What you are MISSING by not having a PR calendar in 2020

3. Key days of every month from Jan – Dec 2020 when you can make the most news

4. How in-house PR teams and their agencies can plan every month of their PR and avoid time-crunch issues

Why is the PR calendar for India in 2020 a MUST HAVE for every brand/client?

1. Prepare for launches: You can generate the maximum buzz for your product/service launches by planning ahead for ideas and pitches. Many publications, especially magazines work three months in advance and longer and thus you can make use the time to work on your PR campaigns

2. Use awareness days and causes: Today’s businesses need to stand for a cause. Thus, it becomes critical to keep a track of the scheduled awareness days and weeks to use the opportunity for getting your business the attention it needs. Once you have found the relevant awareness weeks and days it’s much easier to plan out how you can use them. You can leverage the first mover’s advantage by being the first person to contact a journalist for a  story idea and maximize your chances of getting coverage.

3. Coordinate with other marketing activities:  By planning ahead, you can coordinate your PR with other marketing activities. For eg: you could do a blog post on a topic related to a featured article and align your social media activities accordingly

4.  Maintain a consistent flow of PR activities:  You can build a consistent momentum of PR activities instead of just relying on one-off peaks. The consistent coverage will help you stay visible over a prolonged period of time and enhance your credibility as a business.

What are you MISSING by not having the PR Calendar for India in 2020?

If you don’t have a calendar, then you are being reactive instead of proactive ie doing things in a random disorganized manner. This leads to wastage of time, effort and a lot of unnecessary stress.

Since you don’t have a plan,  there is no structure for your PR activities and you have to work extra hard to maintain relations with the media and execute projects ad-hoc. You run the risk of running around in circles without really achieving anything.

By now, you must have realized the importance of a PR calendar so let’s dive right in.

January | PR Calendar 2020

January - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

New Year Day (1 January 2020)

The first day of the year can be extremely useful for setting the right tone for the rest of the year.  This could be an ideal time for coming up with a fresh communication strategy as this is the time when brands revisit plans, map upcoming trends and get into a lot of discussions on developments.

World Book Fair (4 January 2020)

India’s oldest book fair is a great PR opportunity for all publishing houses. You can also establish thought leadership by leveraging this event to launch works authored by C-level executives.

Consumer Electronics Show (7-10 January 2020)

The Consumer Electronics Show is one of the biggest events in consumer tech space. The 2019 event saw 1,82,000+ total attendants with over 4.4K+ companies exhibiting their offerings. The event is a fantastic opportunity for showcasing your client’s innovations.

Jaipur Literature Festival (23-27 January 2020)

JLF is one of the biggest literary festivals in India, bringing together writers, poets, thinkers, politicians and business leaders from diverse backgrounds. They engage in debates, conversations, and performances. The event is covered by all prominent media houses and is a great opportunity for brands to gain visibility and for their leadership to become the voice for the brands.

National Tourism Day (25 January 2020)

The Ministry of Tourism designated National Tourism Day for the promotion and development of tourism in India. The news coverage centers around the cultural uniqueness of different parts of India. It is a great opportunity for brands in the travel space to do campaigns, share consumer reports etc.

Republic Day of India (26 January 2020)

The anniversary of the Indian constitution is one of the biggest days in the country. This is one opportunity that no brand in the country misses as they jump on the brandwagon with their creative campaigns.

Data Privacy Day (28 January 2020)

The purpose of Data Privacy Day is to raise awareness, promote privacy and data protection practices. The day is especially relevant for all internet startups, FinTech businesses to associate with the cause of data privacy.


February - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

Kala Ghoda Arts Fest (1-9 February 2020)

The  Kala Ghoda Arts Festival (KGAF) is one of the most popular cultural fests that draws art lovers from all over the country to Mumbai. It is a great opportunity for brands to associate with causes and also a great photo-op.

Union Budget (3 February 2020)

This is the day when the entire media is buzzing with the updates as the ruling govt announces budget for the next financial year. It is a great time to do reaction stories for your clients

World Cancer Day (4 February 2020)

This is a day dedicated to raising awareness about cancer and its prevention.  The day is particularly relevant for business in the health and pharma space.

Nasscom Technology & Leadership Forum (12-14 February 2020)

This event is known as Asia’s biggest leadership conference, where the who’s who of different industries from across the globe show up. News coverage around participation in the event.

Valentine’s Day (14 February 2020)

Valentine’s Day is a globally recognized day marking its significance in cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love. Brands show their creative powers by doing innovative campaigns and getting media mileage.

FinTech India Expo (19-21 February 2020)

The FinTech sector has the potential to change the ways businesses function and make the dream of digital India materialize. The expo makes it possible for FinTech leaders and startups to come together. This paves the way forward towards sustainable growth. Moreover, it helps in facilitating collaboration among FinTech companies in India.

Mobile World Congress (24-27 February 2020)

Mobile World Congress is the biggest mobile event of the year, seeing the launch of many of the year’s top smartphones, smartwatches, tablets etc.
It also sees the emergence of the hottest new trends in mobile. It has the opportunity for tech and mobile brands to participate and gain visibility.

March | PR Calendar 2020

March - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

International Women’s Day (8 March 2020)

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the women achievers across domains. The day also marks a call to action for gender equality. Campaigns usually center around the causes of women empowerment. It is a great opportunity for women-centric brands to stand for the cause.

Holi (10 March 2020)

The festival of colors has many connotations, including the triumph of good over evil. Others include the onset of spring and gratitude for a good harvest. This is a good time for skincare brands to do Holi tips and tricks stories.

FICCI Frames (18-20 March 2020)

FRAMES is Asia’s largest convention on the business of entertainment. The three days convention covers the entire gamut of Media & Entertainment including Films, Broadcast (TV & Radio), Print Media and so forth.

The media coverage centers around participation from brands and members of the film industry. This is a wonderful opportunity for businesses working in the media space.

International Happiness Day (20 March 2020)

Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness as a way to recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. This is the best time for feel-good campaigns.

World Water Day (22 March 2020)

This day focuses attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for its sustainable management. Sustainability is a big issue for all businesses to associate within their narratives.

World TB Day (24 March 2020)

Marked by the World Health Organization (WHO), this day raises awareness about the consequences of TB and increases efforts to end the global TB epidemic. News ranges from health awareness campaigns to reports about the state of TB in the country.

Emtech Digital (23-25 March 2020)

Emtech India organized by Mint and MIT Technology is an iconic platform where technology, business and culture come together. This is an unmissable opportunity for startups and businesses to get photo-ops, event participation, and coverage.

Earth Hour Day (28 March 2020)

(8:30pm – 9:30 pm)
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature. The event is held annually encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Brands across the globe leverage the occasion to come up with innovative campaigns.


Appraisal + Hiring

This is the appraisal season for employees across various companies.  It is also the time to hire fresh talent. Stories on hiring and talent retention are particularly relevant at this time of the year.


April - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

April Fool’s Day (1 April 2020)

As the name suggests, this is the day when people poke fun at each other through pranks. Brands too can join in the fun by playing pranks on their consumers.

World Autism Day (2 April 2020)

This is an international day recognized by United Nations encouraging member States to take measures to raise awareness about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder throughout the world. 

World Health Day (7 April 2020)

The World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization. Health is a universal concern for the target audience of almost every brand. Thus, this is a great opportunity for campaigns based on the theme of health and earn media mileage. 

National Public Relations Day (21 April 2020)

The objective behind designating April 21 as National Public Relations Day is to focus attention on public relations function and public relations professionals in India who have an increasingly important role in the development of the country. This day is important for all PR firms and professionals.

Earth Day (22 April 2020)

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. News in the media centers around themes of environmental protection.

India Internet Day (25 April 2020)

This is a leadership conference hosted by TiE that looks at hosting conversations around the vision for the industry. It attracts startups, unicorns, industry leaders and domain experts from across the country.


Financial New Year: Beginning the FY19

May | PR Calendar 2020

May - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

World Press Freedom Day (3 May 2020)

The United Nations General Assembly declared May 3 to be World Press Freedom Day to raise awareness about the importance of freedom of the press and uphold the right to their freedom of expression. Media houses, publications and content creators should leverage this opportunity to do their own PR.

Rabindranath Tagore’s birthday (7 May 2020)

The birth anniversary of the author, poet, and national leader Rabindranath Tagore is an important event particularly for people in Kolkata. News stories focus on Tagore’s contribution to art, literature and the freedom movement.

Mother’s Day (10 May 2020)

Mother’s Day celebrates the unmatchable and vital role of a mother. Brands across the globe channelize their creative powers and come out with amazing campaigns. The media is abuzz with campaigns celebrating motherhood.

National Technology Day (11 May 2020)

National Technology Day celebrates the anniversary of the Pokhran Test which was held on 11th May 1998. The day highlights the important role of science and technology in our lives. This a great PR opportunity for tech startups.

Eid al-Fitr (24 May 2020)

An important religious festival of Muslims, Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. This is a good time to kickstart cause-related campaigns.


June - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

World Environment Day (5 June 2020)

This day is marked by the United Nations (UN) to create awareness about protecting the environment. A number of brands launch campaigns and initiatives championing the cause of the environment.

World Clean Air Day (20 June 2020)

Clean Air Day brings together communities to improve public understanding of air pollution. With declining air quality in Indian cities, pollution is a very important cause for brands to associate with. News usually centers around awareness campaigns.

Father’s Day (21 June 2020)

This is a day celebrating fathers and their contributions. Brands whose target audience comprises of fathers can do campaigns that celebrate fatherhood.

International Yoga Day (21 June 2020)

International Yoga Day celebrates yoga, the importance of fitness and the numerous health benefits that arise from it.  News revolves around expert tips on fitness and health-focused campaigns by brands.

Social Media Day (30 June 2020)

This is a day to celebrate social media platforms, that help brands interact with their brands.

New to PR or wanting to revisit your basics?

What is Public Relations – Everything you need to know in one place. Read now!

July | PR Calendar 2020

July - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

GST Day (1 July 2020)

GST day is a celebration of the government of India canceling many small taxes and introducing a common national tax for businesses. Brands show their appreciation to the government and the country’s taxpayers on this day.

World Population Day (11 July 2020)

To bring focus on the rapidly rising population in the world, the UN introduced World Population Day.  It is a great time for brands to show their concern through posts and pictures.

Kargil Victory Day (26 July 2020)

Kargil Victory Day remembers the Kargil Conflict held in 1999 between India and Pakistan. The day draws on praise for the bravery of Indian soldiers and their families.

International Friendship Day (30 July 2020)

A day that celebrates the golden relationship of friends throughout the world. Brands launch many challenges, polls, competitions, etc in which people can participate with their friends.

Eid-Al-Adha (31 July 2020)

An extremely important day for Muslims, Eid-Al-Adha commemorates the ultimate sacrifice performed by Abraham – the sacrifice of his son Issac- in the name of God. The festival’s popularity is leveraged by brands by sharing posts of how the festival is celebrated around India.


August - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

Raksha Bandhan (3 August 2020)

Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of the bond between brothers and sisters. Brands start promoting their products as ideal gifts a few weeks before Raksha Bandhan begins. 

International Beer Day (7 August 2020)

International Beer Day appreciates all forms of beer produced around the world. Companies that sell beer or items accompanied by beer usually become active on this day.

International Youth Day (12 August 2020)

This day celebrates around 2 million youth present in today’s world. Each year the UN outlines a new issue concerning the welfare of youth. 

Independence Day (15 August 2020)

This day will mark 73 years of freedom from the British for India.  Brand campaigns focus on celebrating the country and arousing patriotism in their customers through PR. 

World Humanitarian Day (19 August 2020)

Humanitarian personnel who lost their lives serving humanitarian causes are remembered on this day. Brands also show their appreciation and encourage people to participate in humanitarian acts.

Ganesh Chaturthi (22 August 2020)

The birth of Ganesha, the Hindu God associated with abundance and wisdom is celebrated on this day. News around the celebration of this festival (especially in Maharashtra) spreads during this time.

National Sports Day (29 August 2020)

Dedicated to Major Dhyan Chand, an excellent hockey player, India celebrates its national sports day. Sports events sponsored by companies take place on this day. 

September | PR Calendar 2020

September - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

Teacher’s Day (5 September 2020)

Teacher’s day is an honor to all the teachers, celebrated in the memory of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Brands launch many campaigns that celebrate the role of teachers in the student’s lives.

International Literacy Day (8 September 2020)

The importance of literacy is underlined on this day. Brands focus on showing the power and need for literacy and the role it can play in the growth of a developing country like India.

National Engineer’s Day (15 September 2020)

Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvarayyaer was one of the greatest engineers of India and his birthday is now celebrated as the engineer’s day of India. Brands use this day to target students and professionals working as engineers.

International Day for the Preservation of Ozone Layer (16 September 2020)

This day is a reminder that the depletion of the Ozone Layer is one of the biggest environmental concerns faced by the world today. Brands do stories that focus on how pollution can be reduced in the world. 

World Tourism Day (27 September 2020)

This day highlights the importance of tourism for countries’ economies and humans too. Hotels, airlines, and other companies that profit from tourism are in the spotlight on this day.

Daughters’ Day (27 September 2020)

This day is a celebration of the bond between parents and their daughters. Brands come out with many campaigns focusing on women on this day.

World Heart Day (29 September 2020)

World Heart Day raises awareness about heart problems and encourages people to get an early diagnosis through periodic testing.


October - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

Gandhi Jayanti (2 October 2020)

The birthday of Mahatma Gandhi is celebrated in India by remembering his sayings and acknowledging his efforts towards the freedom of this country. Media engages people on this day by getting them to participate in discussions about his teachings and contribution to the nation. Brands come with PR campaigns building on his values and message.

World Smile Day (2 October 2020)

Since 1999, this day is used to spread positivity. Many funny posts and questions regarding what makes you smile are shared by brands on this day. 

World Mental Health Day (10 October 2020)

This day raises awareness on mental health issues, thus encouraging people to remove the taboo surrounding it. Brands celebrate people who have been through mental health issues to raise awareness. 

International Day of the Girl Child  (11 October 2020)

Girl Child is put into focus on this day as issues regarding equal rights are put forward. Companies often share their support for the increasing opportunities for girls on this day.

Tech Sparks (11-12 October 2020)

This is an event held for startups and small businesses in the technology, entrepreneurship and innovation sectors to discuss ideas and learn additional skills. 

World Food Day (16 October 2020)

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was established on this day. Food companies leverage this and conduct several activities surrounding the day.

Boss Day (16 October 2020)

This day is celebrated to appreciate bosses for their support to employees. It is a wonderful opportunity for brands to do humorous campaigns and PR stunts celebrating bosses. This is also an opportunity to do internal PR in organizations.

Durga Puja (21-26 October 2020)

Durga Puja is celebrated by paying homage to Hindu Goddess Durga. It is celebrated with much zeal in Eastern parts of India. This is a relevant time to do PR campaigns around the issues of women empowerment. 

Dussehra (25 October 2020)

Inspired by the Hindu mythology Ramayana, this day is celebrated in India at the end of Navratri. Many brands use the message victory of good over evil as part of their marketing strategy.

November | PR Calendar 2020

November - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

Karva Chauth (4 November 2020)

Karva Chauth is celebrated by married couples across the Hindu religion.

NASSCOM Product Conclave (5-6 November 2020)

This conclave gives everyone involved in developing products a chance to showcase their ideas and engage in discussions. This helps participants increase product quality and get feedback.

World Diabetes Day (14 November 2020)

This day raises awareness about diabetes. Many events are held on this day to encourage the detection and prevention of diabetes.

Children’s Day (14 November 2020)

Celebrated on the birthday of India’s First Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru, this day focuses on children’s rights and their future.

Diwali (14 November 2020)

Diwali is considered as one of the biggest Hindu festivals and is celebrated by lighting lamps, eating delicacies and bursting crackers across the country. Brands spread festivity by doing festive campaigns and even spreading awareness about the harmful effects of bursting crackers. 

TieCon Global Summit (14-15 November 2020)

With entrepreneurs at its heart, the TieCon Global Summit arranges themes every year and is held across cities in the world.

National Press Day (16 November 2020)

National Press Day is celebrated to mark the importance of the good press in the country. 

International Men’s Day (19 November 2020)

This day is celebrated to appreciate, honor and celebrate the men and the roles they play in the family and society.  Brands often come up with campaigns celebrating soldiers and fathers.

December | PR Calendar 2020

December - Ultimate PR Calendar India 2020

World’s AIDS Day (1 December 2020)

This day raises awareness on AIDS and remembers those who lost their lives due to the condition. Many health-based companies share articles on prevention, detection, and control of HIV. Campaigns also focus on breaking the stigma against the victims and survivors.

National Pollution Control Day (2 December 2020)

This day focuses on the importance of adopting environment-friendly habits drawing lessons from the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. News centers around innovative products that reduce emissions.

International Day of the Disabled (3 December 2020)

This day promotes inclusiveness for the needs of disabled people and to increase awareness about their situation. 

Human Rights Day (10 December 2020)

Human Rights Day is celebrated to show unity for the protection of basic human rights and freedoms. Brands use this day to promote human rights.

World Energy Conservation Day (14 December 2020)

World Energy Conservation Day reminds the world of the importance of saving energy. This creates awareness before they deplete completely.

Forbes 30 Under 30 nomination (18 December 2020)

Forbes launches an annual list of 30 people under the age of 30 who have done exemplary work in their fields. This is the last day to get nominated for this honor of a lifetime.

National Consumer Day (24 December 2020)

This day champions the cause of consumer rights. The news focuses on new laws and practices that have a direct impact on consumer rights.

Christmas (25 December 2020)

Christmas is the biggest festival for Christians as it marks the birth of Jesus Christ. Many deals and discounts are offered by brands on this day.  Articles and blogs on buying the perfect Christmas gift are shared on the digital news and social media.


Year-end stories

This is the time when the media is abuzz with year-end stories.  This is the chance for brands to get coverage focusing on their milestones, achievements and future goals.

Did you like the PR Calendar 2020? Have feedback? Just write to us at hello@wizikey.com to share your thoughts!

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